Oshkosh Bible Class
To grow in our faith and relationship with God, we continue to go to his Word. The following are opportunities to come together and grow together in God’s Word.
Sunday Morning Bible Class: Sundays at 9:15am in the cafeteria. This class covers a variety of topics through the series rotations that focus on specific books of the Bible, teachings of the Bible, and practical applications for our lives from the Bible.
Through the Bible: Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in church. Walk through and discuss God’s Word, one chapter at a time. Join us any time! Unable to join us? Listen to the recordings of class online below.
Bible Information Class: Same class taught twice weekly, Sundays at 9:15am and Mondays at 7:00pm in conference room 2. Questions about God? The Bible? Religion? Discover or be refreshed in the key truths God reveals about himself, us and the world in his Word.
Through the Bible Podcasts
Previous Online Bible Studies
Intertestamental Period
Daniel in the Lions’ Den
Josiah & the Book of the Covenant
Solomon’s Wisdom

Grace Lutheran Church and School
913 Nebraska Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902
(920) 231-8957
(920) 231-8552
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Worship Services
Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am
Mondays at 6:00pm